It's been a while since my last posting - wow, that sort of sounds like that old "Bless me Father...." thing.
As some of you might be aware, the East Coast had a bit of a scare over the past weekend regarding Hurricane Irene and its (her?) path heading straight toward New York and environs.
Now, I am all for hurricane preparedness, but when it puts others at risk and makes you look like a jackass then I draw the line. For myself AND others.
So, I am sure you will understand when I regale you with my little tale of bankrupt, classless, rude and downright awful humanity that I witnessed - and yes - got involved in this past weekend.
There is a supermarket in the basement of our building and our neighborhood is a veritable cross section of young, old, rich, struggling polite and, well, not.
I keep a rather well stocked pantry of essentials on a regular basis so I was not really concerned about the possible and impending doom that Irene was promising but I did have occasion to be in the grocery to pick up something I needed to make dinner and do laundry, while walking down the beverage and water aisle I saw something that made my blood boil and run cold at the same time.
There was an eighty-something white haired lady slowly pushing her cart toward the sparsely stocked shelves of bottled water when along came an overly tanned twenty-something girl in her flip-flops, too-tight cut offs, tank top and head phones obviously talking (too loudly, I might add) and pushes past the older woman, rolling her eyes - presumably as a comment on the woman's age and slowness - and grabbing the last of the twelve packs of bottled water toward which the woman was reaching starts to walk away.
I simply couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Well, I decided it was not going to happen in the way this little &8#@% assumed it would and I proceeded to stand directly in her path. After looking up from her cellphone, a bit flustered as she saw my angry face, she heard me say one word - "NO."
I took the water from her hand and turned around and put it in the lady's cart.
I then turned back to the girl and reiterated my one word comment, "NO." and went about my quest for all fabric bleach.
Had I stayed around to argue the point I'm sure it would have come to fisticuffs and I would have been forced to break my life long commitment to never hit a female.
You think the winds of Irene were strong? I would have smacked that girl into next week!