There are a lot of things that tend to irk me - okay, let's just admit the truth, I'm a picayune and nasty human being! But I try to start in my own proverbial backyard, changing what bad habits I acquire to better traits of which I can be more proud. I would never complain or insist that other folks be more responsible than I am willing to be myself
The missing of an appointment without a personal acknowledgement - unheard of.
Along with this need and compulsion goes the feeling of insult and personal slight when someone thinks so little of me or whatever relationship I share with the latecomer.
Why on earth would someone think so little of themselves or the importance of friendships, family or work relationships? I would imagine that if I can get somewhere on time it should be considered a compliment to whomever I am meeting - if at my age I can get places on time (frankly I'm always early) I'm always amazed that others can't put in the same effort to the same effect.
So, the moral of this little diatribe is this, even if you can't manage to change your own lifestyles enough to be courteous and timely, how about teaching your children this well received habit?
It will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives.
It's easy. Just leave earlier. Take responsibility. Get a move-on!
I agree with you 100%. And you know me, I'm always early. Sometimes a little to early, but I usually save that for Dog shows. I used to hate having to go to Stacy's relatives for anything because 9 times out of 10 half of them would show up late. I have more important things to do than wait around for those that have no consideration for others.